Sunday, February 17, 2013


So for Valentines and our Engagement Anni. hubby surprised me early with Tulips, bag of Sixlets chocolates, a couple of movies with popcorn, and made dinner.

He's the sweetest :) Nothings better than cuddling at home.
As for mommy and daughter. We made a dozen chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate covered bananas.
Maykala enjoyed it. I'm glad she's interested in everything I do and active, than being glued to technology.

They tasted and turned out great ^_^.
When Valentines day actually came. Since Dustin works during the day. I made us pancakes for breakfast with heart shaped strawberries. He was very happy, and loves my pancakes! They melt in your mouth! We didn't get to do much but it's okay. Quality time matters most <3

Other than that... for the rest of the month of February,
we finally get our tax return this month, and the exciting part is we're using it to get more furniture for our home!
Hopefully a couch, dinning table, and a entertainment center.
We're also going to be spoiling our pets a bit by getting them lots of toys and Ninja a huge kitty tower!

I'm so excited!! Hopefully after we refurnish our home i'll make another post!
Oh but hubby did get some bookcases for our computer room. It's amazing how much of a difference, something so simple could do.
After putting those bookcases up and filling them up (finally we got rid of our boxes of books in the closet! lol). It made the room much cozier and nice! I love it :)

Hopefully one day we'll have an entire library room. So our book collection will keep growing ^_^